Catussaba Beach - Salvador(BA)

beach surrounded by coconut trees that calls attention to the beautiful green of its waters and the resort located practically on the beach. Catussaba, a few kilometers from the airport of Salvador, is surrounded by beach houses. Nevertheless, it is indicated for those seeking privacy and tranquility for a delicious sea bath. Its waters are choppy, so visitors should opt for the quieter places to bathe. Several street vendors sell products provide (sarongs, bikinis and snacks) to bathers visiting the region.   of Catussaba

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia com pouco movimento.
A praia não tem muita vegetação a sua volta.

DDD: 71
Praia de Catussaba / Oiapoque
Praia de Catussaba / Oiapoque
Praia de Catussaba / Oiapoque
Praia de Catussaba / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? O acesso é somente por barco?

At North:
Praia de Stella Maris
tempo 3 km/h
At South:
Praia Pedra do Sal
30º Moisture

beach surrounded by coconut trees that calls attention to the beautiful green of its waters and the resort located practically on the beach. Catussaba, a few kilometers from the airport of Salvador, is surrounded by beach houses. Nevertheless, it is indicated for those seeking privacy and tranquility for a delicious sea bath. Its waters are choppy, so visitors should opt for the quieter places to bathe. Several street vendors sell products provide (sarongs, bikinis and snacks) to bathers visiting the region.   of Catussaba

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia com pouco movimento.
A praia não tem muita vegetação a sua volta.

DDD: 71

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